Friday, February 26, 2010

My Final Day and Results

I'm so anxious and excited to see Justin and spend some time with him in Savannah! And then home to my home, kids, puppies and friends. Not necessarily in that order :)

Let me start with yesterday...
I had another slow day. First of all, I was so sore from the day before that I could barely walk when I got out of bed. I was anxious to be leaving here, and stressed out from all the people. There are so many now. The classes are over full, the dining room is loud, the computers are always busy... just a different atmosphere than last week. So needless to say, I did some self-nurturing. I did a little of the arch trainer, and a little of the Nu-step. I did a going home class about using the website, then after lunch I went home, read a little, took an hour nap then decided that I didn't want to go back for dinner. I headed out shopping looking for a new outfit to meet Justin in. (NO, not that kind of outfit... We'll be meeting at the main building.) LOL. I wasn't real excited about my choices, but I found a shirt. Then I went to the Bonefish bar, because that's were I felt comfortable ordering healthy. I had 1 glass of wine, 2 small pieces of bread and olive oil (OMG it was 'that' good. Can't remember when I had bread... white bread...) and for dinner I had a small piece of Chilean Sea Bass with sauce on the side (used dip and spear method) and steamed veggies. I was happy with my choices and it was yummy beyond belief.

Today I was back at it. Could not do the sunrise beach walk because I had my final blood work, weigh in and measure. Results below. I took the Hip Hop class then Boot Camp which was really hard but I'm glad I did it and I felt good when it was over. After snack I went to a great lecture about successful weight management.

I took a golf lesson which was fun. I'm now ready and excited to start golf season.

I took a Yoga class and then had a really yummy gourmet dinner with scallops cooked perfectly. I think it was the best meal since I've been here.

Ok, and now for my results... drum roll....

I lost 12 lbs and 19.25 inches. I do admit that they pulled the tape a bit tighter for the final measure, but still, I'm completely thrilled with those results. Best of all, I feel like I can do a lighter version of this at home and continue to lose. It will be slower but it will be livable.

Most of my blood work was good to begin with, but it did improve some more. My blood pressure was a bit high at 130/92 and went down to 110/78. I'm so happy with that!

My BMI went down 2% and everything improved a small amount.

I'm off to pack and get to bed at a decent hour, I still have half a day left tomorrow! Justin arrives around 2 pm. I plan on showing him around, introducing him to everyone then maybe see the island a little before heading to Savannah.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Kayaking and Dining Out

Hey y'all, today was another good day. I'm sore and exhausted but I had fun today and I feel good about what I accomplished. I'm learning to take the small accomplishments and be happy rather than berate myself for what I didn't do. That's a huge step for me.

I did another 5k this morning, my last while I'm here. I was hurting so much this morning that I almost didn't go. Yesterday I did a lot of strength training, and my knees are still hurting, so this morning was very painful. At the last minute I decided that if I chickened out and didn't go that I would regret it. My shirt said 'Never Give Up', so I made that my motto. I figured completing it with a slower time was better than giving up. So I went knowing that I was going to be slower and that was OK. The first half was really hard and hurt like heck. The beach is on a slope and my left leg was killing me. I told myself that it was going to hurt and that's ok but as soon as I finished I'd be proud of myself (Never Give Up). After I hit the half way point and turned around I got a second wind and hauled butt. I jogged back more than I've ever jogged before and made up some time. My final time was 48:52, only about 40 seconds slower than last time. I was proud of myself, not only for not giving up but for pushing so hard at the end. Another small accomplishment.

Later I went on a Kayaking excursion. Pictures above. It was cold and I got dripped on and I wasn't enjoying myself as much as I was hoping, but I'm glad I did it. I'd like to try it again in warmer weather, I might like it better then. Parts of it were fun, but after I got wet and cold I was ready to be done. When your with a group of other people, you just have to shut your mouth and try not to ruin everyone else's time too! :) My good deed for today! HAHA

Tonight a group of people went out to the Bonefish to try eating out. It was fun but very loud and I had a headache. Our main objective was to do better than we would have before the "Institute". I had 1/2 of a scallop appetizer, ordered dinner first, then 1 glass of wine. I got full, put my fork down and asked to have my plate removed. I savored the 1 glass of wine thru the whole meal and saved a little for desert as well. The whole eating out seemed to be hard and confusing to a few people, but it was simple to me. I did realize that I didn't need to eat the most healthiest thing on the menu and be perfectly on my diet. I just needed to do BETTER that I would have done before. That was huge for me. If I can make better choices without the restriction and deprivation of being perfect, I can be happier than either failing and eating the most unwise meal, or suffering thru and obsessing about what I really wanted. It was good for me to learn that lesson. Besides the scallop app, I had a 6 oz fillet, steamed green beans and steamed asparagus, and didn't even finish any of it. I also drank 5 glasses of water, so it may be a long night! Another accomplishment... I dropped my napkin, bent over to pick it up without using contortion and grunts. Anyone who has been overweight knows how fun that is!

The final calorie burn yesterday was 3189, and so far today it has been 3000+

Friday is my final weigh and measure day. They will also check my blood and blood pressure. I'm on the home stretch and excited to be checking out soon!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A better Day

This is Gerry and Homa. They started the same week as me but left last Sunday. They were the funniest, sweetest couple here. I miss Gerry's laugh and Homa's ability to kick ass in the work out classes! That lady has some energy!

On to my day. It was much better today. SO much better. I woke up with a great attitude, thanks to everyones encouragement and support. I was able to jog a little during my Ultra circuit class and I was so happy. Tomorrow is the 5k but I'm not sure if I'm going to do it yet. I wont be able to do it as fast as last week so I might just leave my knee alone. I'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow.

My exercise today:
Sunrise Beach walk
Ultra Circuit
Super Circuit
Personal Training with Amber
4 mile walk around the compound by myself

A huge group came in last weekend so everything is busier and louder and more chaotic. It's not only me, most of the "older people" who have been here at least a week are so irritated with the new group. There are a few cool people, but most of them are getting on our nerves. So anyway, I went for a long walk by myself today. It was sunny and peaceful and I had a really relaxing time! Tomorrow I'm going kayaking and out to dinner with a group and one of the instructors here. We are going to Bonefish to practice real life eating out and ordering. I will not be getting the Bang Bang Shrimp :(

Thanks to Justin, mom, Carey, Brenda and Tamy for writing me a little pick me up after yesterdays blechy day! You guys are the best!

Most of the lectures have been repeats so I have no new information to share with you. I met with the head chef today to discuss cooking at home and how to sneak veggies into Justin without him knowing. Also talked about food planning and shopping. It was good info!

Calories burned: 2900
steps walked: 26297

Monday, February 22, 2010

My Disappointing day

I finally saw a decent size alligator! There have been baby alligators and turtles sunning themselves, but this 4 footer is the largest I've seen that I could take a picture of. There is a 7 footer that you can see across the lagoon sometimes by the front gate. It's massive and scary! There are signs all over the island reminding people NOT to feed the alligators. Tonight at dinner I told a newbie that the alligators are so cute cause they'll eat right out of your hands. They didn't believe me. HAHAHA. Who would?

Here we are causing a scene in our matchy match shirts. It was fun looking like a team and everyone was asking about the shirts. They say 'Go Out And Get Active' and every time we wear them to work out at home we can remember our support system.

This morning I got up with the intention to work out really hard this week, burn as many calories as I can and train real hard to run the 5k on Wed. even faster than last week. I figured with 2 days, basically off my knee, I'd be able to use it again. Wrong. It hurts even more than Friday. Between the disappointment of not being able to run, the frustration of my knee, and generally just ready to head home, I got depressed today and had a little break down. I cried and my friends and a staff member helped me get through it. I took the last 2 classes off and did soduko instead of treading. I really honestly wanted to get on the treadmill but every time I get on and start hurting and I get even more frustrated. They also put in perspective why I'm here. Not to injure myself or burn as many calories as I can, but to learn a new lifestyle and I can do that without my knee. I wanted to go eat to sooth my emotions, but worked thru that as well.

That's my day in a nut shell. I'm very anxious for Justin to get here and spend some time with him (away from here) and then home to my lovely life and kids and friends. Tomorrow is a new day and I'll wait to see what it brings me.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Not much to say today either so I thought I'd send out some pictures. I'm sure all y'all know how much I love my pictures being taken, so this is hard for me :)

We did a few classes today then 4 of us girls went out shopping. We got matching shirts to wear on Monday when the newbies come in. Should be fun! I'll send a picture of that too. All of the newbies from last week want to mess with the new newbies. I keep reminding them that I was nice to them when THEY were newbies only 6 days ago. HAHA The three girls I mostly hang out with are fun and rambunctious and crazy. We have a lot of fun together.

Here is me doing Yoga:

Warrior II Pose

Tree Pose

Karen and Karen, my yogi. She is awesome, my favorite instructor. We are both doing tree pose but the lady taking the picture didn't get out legs :)

Alligator sunning himself on the golf course during lunch. This picture is taken from our dining room.

Me at lunch in the dining room. I have real clothes on because we are going shopping afterwards.

Friday, February 19, 2010

I'm a lucky girl!

Hi everyone, just a quick note tonight. Worked hard in the gym today, but the only thing I wanted to mention tonight is what I learned in a lecture titled "All About Me".
It was about putting yourself first and taking care of yourself before you can care for others. I don't think I really have a problem doing that, but after listening to others talk, I feel blessed to have the most caring supportive loving husband ever!!! I want to take a moment and thank you for being so awesome. I love you so much. Sometimes I get caught up in life and forget how lucky I am. I also have an amazing family and the best friends ever. I'm serious when I say that you guys are the BEST!! I am blessed to have all of you in my life. (P.S. That is NOT the homesickness talking)

I love you all!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Comedy Night

Went out on the "town" for Comedy tonight! It was fun, but the comedian was dissapointing. It was just to get out of the farm for awhile :) and the wine was YUMMY! (1 glass).

The first pic is of us girls who went out tonight, the second is my new room mate Suzette and myself on the beach walk this morning.

I only have a quick blog tonight as not much happened today:

Got up for a beautiful sunrise beach walk. Had breakfast and went to a core class for an hour or torture. After that it was a disappointing water class. The instructor gave a boring class that drug on forever and didn't even raise my heart rate. Next was snack and lecture time. I had already heard the lecture so I iced my increasingly aching knee and read my next book club book. Then lunch which was yummy, and a cooking demonstration which included peanut butter mousse. 3/4 cup was only 80 calories and it was soooo yummy. The only thing I didn't like about it was that I had to stop before I licked the bowl in front of everyone (I wouldn't have been the only one) HAHA. After that class, I was exhausted, sore and feeling down so I went back to take a nap and get dressed for the comedy club. It was a slow day for me, but I really needed the time off. Part of this process is listening to your body, and mind. And mine was saying... "chill girl"! I didn't sleep much last night and I'm getting very homesick. I'm also getting nervous about making this work at home with all the distractions and old habits. Just things I need to work on!